Concentrated tomato paste production line

A concentrated tomato paste production line typically consists of several steps to transform fresh tomatoes into a thick and concentrated paste. Here is a general outline of the process:

  1. Sorting and washing: Fresh tomatoes are carefully sorted to remove any damaged or unripe ones. They are then washed to remove any impurities.
  2. Chopping and milling: The tomatoes are chopped into small pieces to facilitate the extraction of juice. They are then sent into a milling machine that crushes them into a pulp.
  3. Juice extraction: The tomato pulp is passed through a juice extractor to separate the liquid from the solids. This process helps remove seeds, peels, and other unwanted parts.
  4. Concentration: The extracted tomato juice is then pumped into a large evaporator or vacuum pan. The juice is heated and the water content is gradually reduced through evaporation, resulting in a thicker concentrate. The temperature is carefully controlled to preserve the flavor and nutritional qualities of the tomato paste.
  5. Packaging: Once the tomato paste reaches the desired concentration, it is transferred to a packaging machine. It can be filled into cans, jars, or tubes, depending on the size and requirements of the product. The packaging process involves filling, sealing, and labeling the containers.
  6. Sterilization: The packaged tomato paste is typically subjected to a sterilization process, such as pasteurization or thermal processing, to ensure product safety and extend its shelf life.
  7. Quality control: Throughout the production line, various quality control measures are implemented to ensure the tomato paste meets the required standards. This includes testing for acidity, color, viscosity, and flavor.
  8. Storage and distribution: Once the production process is complete, the packaged tomato paste is stored in suitable conditions until it is ready for distribution to retailers or food producers.

It’s important to note that the specific technologies and equipment used in a concentrated tomato paste production line may vary depending on the manufacturer and production capacity.

Our company had installed many concentrated tomato paste production lines for different customers from Algeria, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Indonesia, Thailand, Middle East and China domestic market. We have about 20 years experiences in this industry.大桶番茄酱 番茄酱 瓶装 番茄酱 听装3 番茄酱6 番茄酱12

Post time: Jul-19-2023