How To Choose Spray Drying Equipment

Countless kinds of materials require spray drying, and their chemical composition and physical properties are very different, so until now, spray drying has been said to be a skill, and it is true to some extent. In the process of estimating and describing the characteristics of the spray dryer, because the practical characteristics of the material and its movement in the drying tower are difficult to express with theoretical formulas, practical experience often plays a big role. The parameters and past experiences in the delineation process are often different from those in theoretical discussions. Feature budget and description of current spray season dryers drawings are not only based on theoretical analysis, but also rely on experimental data and actual experience accumulated by manufacturers for a long time.
When choosing a spray drying equipment supplier, consider the following factors:
1. When purchasing equipment, first look at the integrity of materials, equipment and systems.
2. It is necessary to have specific and complete technical exchanges with the engineering and technical personnel of the supplier to see if his technical level in this area is capable of tailor-made for you to meet the actual production needs.
3. Does the supplier fully understand the characteristics of the customer’s materials, especially in pre-processing and so on.
4. Know the scale of the supplier’s production and the success stories in the area it touches for reference and study.
5. Whether the supplier can provide the customer with the conditions for the experiment, do the experiment in advance before placing the order, so as to know what to do.
6. See if the supplier fully considers the objective conditions for the operation and consumption of the equipment in the process of description and theoretical verification.
7. Fully know the inventory of the supplier’s spare parts.
8. Be able to personally go to the customer provided by the supplier to know the supplier’s commitment and the actual production of the equipment.
The spray dry equipment produced by Jump Machinery (Shanghai) Limited is of high quality and good service. Welcome your inquiry!

Post time: Jul-13-2022